Case study: SIS - Horse Racing Tape Library
The right horse and the right footage requested in seconds.

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Integrating an offline library with web technology
Satelite Information Services has over 16 years of
unrivalled expertise in the betting industry, offering bookmakers
a range of services including live television pictures,
data display systems and broadcast services.
The Horse Racing Library
The team at SIS manage a tape library of every horse race in England - that's a huge library. The runners and results of each race are logged in a database against the tape on which the race is recorded. The library database they use is based on Clarity's Picture Safe software - customised for their special requirements. It's quick and easy to use, so the data entry doesn't become a chore.

The library database is based on Clarity's Picture Safe software
The Editing Team and the Intranet
The editing team want to search for information on horses they are featuring in televised reviews. They sit remotely from the tape library and access the information on an Intranet that uses the same database of racing results as the library system.
Within seconds the intranet shows a list of all races containing the
featured horse and a list of the video cassettes containing the race footage.
They get the right footage on air in record time.

The intranet searches for races results. Hyperlinks on the horse, jockey and trainer offer an option to 'drill down' for more detailed information.
Total IT Solution
Clarity expertise in a range of technologies helps us to build the best possible solution for you. Why not call Clarity today to find out what we can do for you?