Case study:
"Our new texting service will mean more young people have the facts literally at their fingertips, giving them an alternative to our existing confidential online and helpline enquiry services."
Jan Barlow, Director, Brook
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Brook's innovative SMS texting service
Brook turned to Clarity to develop an innovative new texting service delivering
sexual health information straight to young people.
Since redeveloping their website two years ago we are constantly working with the
leading national charity to help them make the best of web technology.
P.R. success triggers demand
Global media coverage accompanied the launch and led to thousands of people using the service within hours. The BBC's coverage was picked up by publications as far afield as India.
Reaching key audiences
The system, which works through an interface between Brook's webserver and a leading mobile phone network, easily coped with the strain. It records statistics on usage to help Brook tailor and target their service. Web technology has been key in increasing the number of young people approaching Brook for advice - particularly groups such as teenage boys who have traditionally been difficult to reach.
Try the Brook SMS testing service for yourself:
- Text BROOK INFO to 81222
- Follow the instructions in the text you receive
For more instructions and nearest clinic enquiries text BROOK HELP to 81222
New technology on solid foundations
Clarity have been working closely with Brook since we redeveloped their site. We have helped them use their website to integrate their systems. Now their 0800 helpline, confidential online message service and the text messaging service are all managed through a single interface. That means a small team of information workers can satisfy thousands of enquiries more quickly. And they have instant access to detailed, real-time statistics.

Clarity have enabled Brook to implement headline grabbing IT systems that are fully integrated and cost effective
Seamless automation
Using XML, Brook's website communicates automatically with other computer systems. It allows Brook to act as a partner providing information to other websites. Brook automatically receive questions from which are related to sexual health. These questions are inserted into the normal information centre workflow to make things as easy as possible for Brook staff.
There are many more examples of web and
applications integration in our portfolio >>

More than 10 000 high scores!
Brooks educational flash game has notched up more than ten thousand high scores since the website was launched, as people of all ages attempt to make it onto the leaderboard. It's a viral game in more than one sense of the word!